Bridger Bowl Solar | Bozeman Solar Power | OnSite Energy

Bridger Bowl Solar In The News


November 4, 2019

The Bozeman Daily Chronicle featured their interview with OSE Partner/C.O.O. Conor Darby about our recent 50 kW solar array at Bridger Bowl Ski Area on the front page of Friday's paper! 

The interview covers Bridger Bowl's new solar array, the threat of climate change and the importance of sustainability to the ski industry, as well as the current state of affairs of the solar industry in Montana. Check out the full article here.

It's great to see the local newspaper drawing attention to some important topics such as the general electric rate case currently being heard by the Public Service Commission where NorthWestern Energy is proposing to significantly increase rates for net-metered solar customers. The Chronicle also spoke with Brian Fadie, Clean Energy Program Director for the Montana Environmental Information Center, about Montana's 50kW net metering cap and NorthWestern Energy's most recent Resource Procurement Plan that largely excludes development of new renewables. 

We're grateful for local coverage and interest in these topics that have a major impact on the future of the solar industry in Montana and, most importantly, the environment. Check out the Montana Renewable Energy Association for more information, or feel free to get in touch with questions.

Darby on the front page of the BDC
Darby on the front page of the BDC
50 kW under the ridge
50 kW under the ridge
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MT Solar Racking

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