Missoula County Detention Center

Client Profile
In partnership with Saroc Energy, we were excited to develop, design and build this project for Missoula County and to help them towards their goal of carbon neutrality. With a large flat roof and the highest energy demand of any county building, the detention center was a good candidate for a large scale non-export solar array. At 432 kW, it is currently the largest rooftop solar system in the state and estimated to produce 475,189 kWh/year, offsetting approximately 20% of the facility's electricity use. Over its 25 year lifespan the system is estimated to save the county $400,000 in energy costs. 
The largest rooftop solar array in the state
PRODUCTIONEstimated 475,189 kWh/year
PANELSREC TwinPeak 2S Mono 72 Cell 375-Watt Modules (1,152)
INVERTERSMA Core1 62kW (6)
MOUNTPanel Claw FR10
Third Party Financing
Another unique aspect of this project was the public/private financing structure. The array is owned by private investor Saroc Energy and the county will pay the investor for the energy that is produced. This allows the county to install the array with no upfront costs and for the investor to take advantage of the federal solar investment tax credit which is currently 26% of total project costs. After five years, the county will have the opportunity to purchase the array from the investor at a depreciated cost.
REC 375W Modules at a 10 degree tilt