Solar Panels in Winter | Montana Solar Installer | OnSite Energy

Does solar still make sense in a state with harsh, long winters?


June 8, 2017

The effects of freezing temps, heavy snow, wind and hail are a common concerns for Montanans (and northerners across the country) who are considering solar.

The reality is that a well designed system that uses high quality modules can handle these elements. At OnSite Energy, we factor these considerations carefully into every unique solar system design. 

Thanks to net metering,  solar systems in Montana can rack up enough credits during the summer to carry them through the winter when the days are short and snow can stubbornly stick to your panels. We do not recommend trying to manually remove snow from your solar panels: the value of the energy gained is generally not worth the safety risk or effort. Grid-tied net-metered systems are designed based on annual production with the snowy low-production months factored in. 

At least shoveling warms you up?
At least shoveling warms you up?
Our installers, freezing.
Our installers, freezing.
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