Tesla Powerwall and Lumin Smart Panel

Client Profile
This customer's goal was to power their home using a clean and renewable resource both night and day, and to be able to keep some critical circuits up and running in the event of a power outage. This made them a good candidate for solar PV with limited whole home battery backup utilizing a smart energy management device. Integrating solar + storage with a responsive energy management system, homeowners can automatically protect critical appliances and shed unnecessary loads in the event of a power outage. In addition to conserving the energy stored in the battery, the Lumin Smart Panel also provides customers with a detailed look at their energy consumption habits to inform maximum efficiency over time.
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PRODUCTIONEstimated 4,858 kWh/year
PANELSREC Alpha 360-watt Modules
MOUNTSnapNrack Ultra Rail
WARRANTY20 Year Manufacturer's Warranty, 25 Year Power Output Warranty
Due to this household's efficient consumption, our design solution specified 4kW of solar PV, a single Tesla Powerwall home battery, and a Lumin Smart Panel. Typically Tesla requires two Powerwalls in order to backup an entire home. The Lumin Smart Panel enables some homes to get sufficient backup without needing a second Powerwall by automatically shedding the largest circuits in the home in the event of an outage. This ensures that major appliances don't ask the Powerwall for more power than it can handle all at once and also lengthens the duration that the Powerwall can backup the home. Through the Lumin Smart app the homeowner can monitor the power consumption of their entire home in real time as well as consumption from up to 12 individual circuits. Additionally they can reenable large circuits such as the range individually while ensuring the battery isn't overloaded with demand. You can even use the Lumin app to identify vampire drain (small amounts of power consumption when a device or appliance is not in use that add up over time) and set a schedule to turn off that circuit such as in the middle of the night or when you are traveling.
Efficient Energy Storage
To learn more about responsive energy management you can visit Lumin's website or read a review on Energy Sage. To learn more about Tesla Powerwall you can visit Tesla's website or check out some of our other recent projects installing Powerwalls here.
Powerwall and Lumin Smart Panel